"DESCRIPTION 1"="If you like, you can change the background image MSN Messenger uses. Type the location of the file in the box, and click Apply Changes."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="NOTE: This will only work on MSN Messenger 3.5 or better, and the image must be in the GIF format. The old image will be saved to the X-Setup backup folder, which is usually C:\Program Files\X-Setup\backup."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="MSN Messenger may be obtained at http://messenger.msn.com/"
"AUTHOR"="Neil R. Turner (totalxs@hotmail.com) for Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to Chris Pirillo [chris@lockergnome.com] for suggesting this tweak in his awesome Lockergome.com Windows newsletter!"